Strawberry Sorbet Recipe

Strawberry Sorbet

Strawberry Sorbet

Springtime in a bowl

Springtime in a bowl. As the temperatures begin to climb, and we begin the transition from spring to summer, I find myself standing in front of the freezer dreaming of a cold bowl of something delicious. This always satisfies.


2 1/2 pounds strawberries | rinsed *see note

3/4 cup sugar

2 teaspoons lemon juice | freshly squeezed

1/2 teaspoon kosher salt


Step 1

Rinse your strawberries, cut off the calyx (the green crown at the top), and half the berries. Add your strawberries to a bowl with your sugar. Leave to sit for at least an hour, preferably overnight in the fridge.

Step 2

Once your strawberries have finished sitting, add them to your blender with the lemon juice and salt and puree until smooth.

Step 3

Put your sorbet mixture into the fridge and chill completely. Churn in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

A note about rinsing your strawberries…

Never rinse your strawberries until the absolute last minute before using them. Within 24 hours of a strawberry getting wet (once removed from the plant) it begins to breakdown. I know a lot of people who rinse their strawberries right when they get home from the store and put them in the fridge for later use. No bueno. It is a very quick transformation from a wet berry to a moldy berry.

Strawberries stay fresh longer if unwashed, with stems on, in a sealed glass jar in the refrigerator. Then rinse right before use.


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