Foraging Etiquette
Foraging Etiquette
A few guidelines
Just coming back from harvesting wild elderflower, foraging etiquette is on my mind. I hope that by reading some of the recipes here on The Blue Heron Project, you might feel inspired to go out and forage for some of the wild bounties your land has to offer. It is so fulfilling to head out into the wild with an empty bucket and coming back home with a bucket full of wonderfully delicious things.
The truth is though, the act of foraging must be done responsibly. If you want to come back year after year to the same stinging nettle patch, or the same elder bushes, you need to make sure that you are harvesting in a manner that is sustainable.
Here are a few very general guidelines to think about before you pick up your bucket and head out into the wild.
This list is from the British Local Food website. I think it is a great resource and a great starting place to start thinking about foraging etiquette.
Never consume wild food unless you are 100% sure of its identification. There are plants and fungi out there that can kill you. When in doubt, leave it out!
Do not take more than you need. Only pick from abundant populations and leave plenty behind for wildlife and others to enjoy. Over-picking is not sustainable and will impact next year’s crop.
Do not pick endangered species. It’s not only illegal to pick but unethical. Gather only those that you know grow in abundance and familiarize yourself with endangered species.
Do not trespass to forage for wild food. You should only forage on property that you have gained landowner’s permission to enter. Always leave it as you found it in the first place.
Leave no trace behind and respect nature. Minimize damage to the habitat and species. Do not disturb wildlife and avoid unnecessary trampling.
Do not pick the roots. The plant will not have the chance to reproduce and you will not be able to pick leaves and flowers in the future. Always ask for the landowner’s permission if the plant in question is fairly abundant.
Never pick in places subjected to pollution. Avoid roadsides, industrial estates, dog walking areas and agricultural land that may be sprayed with herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers. Do not pick plants growing near polluted water sources.
Use a knife / pair of scissors. Using adequate tools avoid excess damage to plants and inadvertent uprooting, increasing the chance of the plant to continue growing healthy.
Be cautious when trying new wild foods. Sometimes your body will have intolerances. Learn about possible reactions and allergies. Avoid consuming wild food if you have medical conditions, are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Share your knowledge. Teach others to respect nature and learn about the environment.
Head to their website to learn more.
british | local | food
The mission of British Local Food is to share and promote the sustainable use of those wild ingredients available in the UK and Ireland.