Same Day Pizza Dough Recipe

Same Day Pizza Dough

Same Day Pizza Dough

When you have that same day pizza craving you just gotta fill…

Sometimes I know you just wake up with that craving for homemade pizza, don’t fear, this recipe is for you.


116 grams water

5 grams fine sea salt

0.1 grams instant dried yeast    

166 grams white flour, preferably 00  


For the James Beard Foundations, Ken Forkish published his single pizza dough ball recipe from "The Elements of Pizza". Head there to see the step by step directions.

Topping Inspiration

"You made pizza on Saturday night, and now it’s Sunday morning and you have an extra dough ball in the fridge. Don’t wait in line for brunch—it’s time for breakfast pizza. Carbonara is a classic, simple Roman pasta dish with eggs, cured pork, cheese, and plenty of black pepper. This pizza is an obvious riff, and the trick is timing the egg to be baked all the way at the same moment the rest of the pizza is done. Although this recipe is Italian-inspired, I’ve never heard of anywhere in Italy serving pizza for breakfast. Welcome to America! This is a challenging pizza to slice because you’d lose the yolk on the cutting board if you cut through it, so use directional slicing that avoids the yolk."—Ken Forkish


Carbonara Pizza

Recipe by Ken Forkish

This is another one of Ken Forkish’s books that I quite enjoy. If you are getting into making your own bread and pizza, I recommend checking this one out.



The Fundamentals of Artisan Bread and Pizza


How to Use Your Oven to Bake Your Pizza Properly


Pavlova with Rhubarb and Cherries Recipe