Caramelized Onions Recipe
Caramelized Onions
They are worth the time
All the recipes that claim to have a shortcut to making these deliciously addictive flavor bombs will produce a subpar result. They might get you through in a pinch, but if you want the real thing, it will take putting in the time. It’s worth it.
A glug of Olive oil
Onions | many (the onions will reduce down to barely anything)
Step One
Slice the onions into rings. Heat a large pot or dutch oven over low heat. Add the oil and the onions. Cook, stirring often until the onions are caramelized and golden brown.
This process, depending on the number of onions you are cooking might take a few hours. I always plan on making caramelized onions on days that I have quite a few chores in the kitchen so that I can be tending to my onions while I am productive in other ways.