Seasonal | Garden-based | Delicious
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Braised Greens Recipe
Ok—somehow I am so late to this party. I have always been a girl who has gone for the quick wilt of her greens and off the heat they go. Delicious - but as I am learning - definitely not the only way to go. In walks the slow braise greens. I’m in love.
Summer Squash Pasta Recipe
This will convert any squash foe into a front-row seat squash fan. The long slow cook for the zucchini really is a game changer.
Roasted Zucchini Recipe
Cooking zucchini the same way one might treat a steak creates some incredible results. Give these puppies a solid sear and then throw them into the oven to finish. Simple and delicious.
Simmered Daikon Recipe
Simple yet satisfying. I particularly enjoy eating this cold on a hot summer afternoon.
Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe
As the mornings become more crisp, and the hint of fall is in the air - I always start to crave these. No dish is more nostalgic for me than fried green tomatoes.
Roasted Cherry Tomatoes Recipe
Oh these little guys pack a punch of flavor. Get creative with these, and I think you will find they pair amazingly with just about everything.
Eggplant Parmesan Recipe
Truly delicious. The quintessential summer garden dish featuring all the big players - eggplants, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and basil.
Veggie Plate Recipe
This has been what I have been eating this summer. It’s a real stretch to call this a recipe, more just a reminder that this is possible and delicious.
Fondant Potato Recipe
These are incredible. Even slightly unassuming at first glance, but don’t be fooled - these are the most flavorful potatoes I have ever eaten. Crispy on the outside and a creamy flavor bomb on the inside. They do take a bit of work, but you can also leave them more rustic, like I did, by not obsessing about the shaping of the potato - or do, cause that’s a vibe.