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Fresh Corn and Green Chile Cornbread Recipe
So this beauty is made with blue cornmeal. I’ve always loved the idea of trying to build meals that showcase ingredients from each color - all on one plate. It’s an idea I picked up while living and cooking with friends in Asia. Blue sometimes can be a more difficult color to get on the plate, but this is a delicious solution…
Cornbread Recipe
Your cornbread will only be as good as the cornmeal you use. Go for the good stuff. That means if you can get your hands on some fresh stone-ground meal - this is where to use it.
Vanilla Coffee Overnight Oats Recipe
My mornings start off with a bang - and I love grabbing one of these jars first thing in the morning to get myself fueled. This is my current flavor obsession, but feel free to get creative!
Tachin: Crunchy Baked Saffron Rice Recipe
For special occasions, I make this dish. It holds such a presence on the table that it elevates even a simple roast veggie meal to a regal feast. I love to triple the recipe and bake it in a beautiful crown bundt pan. The golden crispy edges contrast with the soft creamy-like center and I guarantee it will have you looking for more.
Corn-Jalapeño Fritter Recipe
I loved running through the narrow rows until I found the perfect ear, and right there I would pull it from the plant, shuck it, and eat it. Only once I was so full I couldn’t eat another bite, I would make it back to the kitchen with the surviving ears—my chin covered in corn juices. My momma would make a version of these fritters and all of a sudden I’d be hungry again.
Jalapeno Cheddar Cornbread Recipe
A happy childhood memory of the morning light streaming in through the kitchen window. Woken up by the smell of something delicious baking, I stumbled barefoot and butt-ass naked to the kitchen. My momma handed me a little slice of cornbread hot from the oven with a pat of butter and some honey drizzled on top. Happiness.
This cornbread’s different from that memory but it still makes me happy. It has some kick. Adjust however pleases your palette.
Overnight Oats Recipe
I have noticed that if I eat a proper meal for breakfast, I do a much better job with the rest of my day. More often than not my morning time becomes jam-packed and unless I plan ahead, breakfast is often the first thing that gets compromised. Once I started making these overnight oats any excuse to skip breakfast was non-legit. What is great about this recipe is that you can make a batch that will cover you for a few days.
Creamy Polenta Recipe
I have happy memories of standing barefoot in the kitchen stirring pots of bubbly lava. Up there with melted cheese and boiling syrup, making polenta can be a dangerous affair. Though, it is well worth the effort. After a long hard day’s work, nothing refuels the body like a bowl of this creamy yellow deliciousness.