Veggie Plate Recipe

Veggie Plate

Delicious fuel in a flash

This has been what I have been eating this summer. It’s a real stretch to call this a recipe, more just a reminder that this is possible and delicious.


dip | hummus, pesto, white bean dip… whatever you have

veggies | cucumbers, red onions, roasted beets…

cheese | feta, goat cheese, labneh…

yogurt sauce | see recipe here

salt and pepper | to taste

fresh hebs| mint, chives, green onions…

drizzle of olive oil


Step One

Coat the bottom of the plate with your dip. Top with your veggies. Garnish with your cheese and fresh herbs of choice. Top with a sprinkle of salt, a crack of pepper, and a drizzle of olive oil. Kaboom. Taste. Adjust seasoning. Serve. Enjoy.


Baked Peaches Recipe


Yogurt Sauce Recipe