Chipotle Powder Recipe

Chipotle Powder

Chipotle Powder

Cure for your bumper crop

I always leave a crop of jalapeños on the bushes until they turn beautifully red—that is when their flavor is the best for powdering. Chipotle powder is made from a jalapeño chile that has been smoked and then dried. It is super easy to do at home and a great way to preserve your bumper jalapeño crop.


As many red jalapeños as you can fit on your smoker

Wood chips for the smoker | popular choices are apple, hickory, pear, or alder.


Step 1

Cut off the stem of each chile and then slice in half lengthwise.

Step 2

The smoking process depends on what sort of smoker you are using. Follow the recommendations for your specific brand of the smoker. Smoke your chiles until they are still bendable, but have fully taken on the smoky flavor you are after.

Step 3

Finish drying the chiles until completely dry in a dehydrator - the time will vary.

Step 4

Once the chiles feel completely dry, they are ready to store. Store in an airtight jar in a cool place. Grind them as needed. Enjoy.


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