The Perfect Soft “Boiled” Egg Recipe

The Perfect Soft “Boiled” Egg

Just kidding - it’s not boiled

It’s all about the steamed egg. Hands-down a more constant, replicable cook EVERY TIME.




Step One

Fill a medium saucepan with water and bring to a boil.

Step Two

Add as many eggs to your steamer as you would like to cook. I try to keep all of the eggs in a flat layer, but sometimes I cheat, and it still works perfectly.

Step Three

Add the steamer on top of the boiling water, and immediately cover with the lid—steam for exactly 6 minutes.

Step Four

Meanwhile, fill a bowl full of ice cubes. Add enough water to cover the ice.

Step Five

When your eggs are finished immediately remove them from the steamer (careful they are hot - I use a slotted spoon) and add them to the ice bath. This will shock the eggs and make sure to stop the cooking process as quickly as possible.

Step Six

Once the eggs are cool enough to handle, peel. Enjoy.


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