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Nettle Risotto Recipe
I know this plant has earned itself a bad name due to its stinging quality, but in spring, this is my most treasured wild harvest, the one I look forward to all dark and cold winter long. It’s super nutritious and delicious to boot! If you cannot find access to nettles, do not fear, you are welcome to substitute with spinach or any other dark leafy green.
Garlic Scape & Stinging Nettle Pesto Recipe
A few tips for this recipe: If you cannot find fresh nettles, you can substitute spinach, or your favorite dark greens. Also, make sure you wring out as much water as possible from the cooked nettles.
Cream of Nettle Soup Recipe
One of my absolute favorite springtime soups, this bowl of emerald green feeds my soul.
Stinging Nettle Pasta Recipe
I dropped a batch of homemade pasta off at a friend’s house, and her wife answered the door. She looked incredulously at me as I told her the pasta was made with stinging nettle. She is a huge trail runner and only knew the plant as something you didn’t want to stumble in. She almost looked like she wanted to hand the container back, and I don’t blame her, but I urged her to try it. Later I got the text. “Rachel, the pasta, it’s so incredible.” I felt like I had just won the plant a new friend, and put a huge smile on my face.