baking, cakes, recipes Rachel Kulchin baking, cakes, recipes Rachel Kulchin

Russian Honey Cake Recipe

Ok. Truth be told this is a beast of a cake to make. It takes planning - read all the instructions ahead of time. Yet - it is soooooo worth it. No step is particularly difficult, but there are many steps and they take a good chunk of time. To make making this cake more manageable I usually break down the tasks into three days.

Sound like a pain? It is. But I wouldn’t be advocating for it if it wasn’t worth it. Introducing your new favorite cake.

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baking, bread, fermentation, recipes Rachel Kulchin baking, bread, fermentation, recipes Rachel Kulchin

Sourdough Starter Crackers Recipe

What am I to do with all of the discarded sourdough starter? I know the question has probably run through your mind because as a shepherd to this living creature, it kinda feels awful to simply throw it into the bin (even if it is a compost bin).

This is my go-to. It is super simple, and really only a set of guidelines. Sometimes I roll it super thin, other times I keep it kinda thick. Sometimes I will add some fresh herbs in when I am kneading the dough, or sprinkle the top with some parmesan cheese. No matter what, there is always a sprinkling of some nice quality salt on the top.

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I am Rachel Kulchin, the passionate force behind the Blue Heron Project! As a dedicated Backyard Farmer, I am on a heartfelt mission to rekindle your connection with the garden.

Firmly rooted in the belief of savoring the flavors of seasonal and sustainable eating, I am dedicated to empowering you with the liberating experience of reclaiming control over your own food.

Join me on this authentic and exciting adventure towards a more connected and sustainable garden-to-table lifestyle.