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Fresh Corn and Green Chile Cornbread Recipe
So this beauty is made with blue cornmeal. I’ve always loved the idea of trying to build meals that showcase ingredients from each color - all on one plate. It’s an idea I picked up while living and cooking with friends in Asia. Blue sometimes can be a more difficult color to get on the plate, but this is a delicious solution…
Cornbread Recipe
Your cornbread will only be as good as the cornmeal you use. Go for the good stuff. That means if you can get your hands on some fresh stone-ground meal - this is where to use it.
Jalapeno Cheddar Cornbread Recipe
A happy childhood memory of the morning light streaming in through the kitchen window. Woken up by the smell of something delicious baking, I stumbled barefoot and butt-ass naked to the kitchen. My momma handed me a little slice of cornbread hot from the oven with a pat of butter and some honey drizzled on top. Happiness.
This cornbread’s different from that memory but it still makes me happy. It has some kick. Adjust however pleases your palette.