grains and starches, recipes Rachel Kulchin grains and starches, recipes Rachel Kulchin

Corn-Jalapeño Fritter Recipe

I loved running through the narrow rows until I found the perfect ear, and right there I would pull it from the plant, shuck it, and eat it. Only once I was so full I couldn’t eat another bite, I would make it back to the kitchen with the surviving ears—my chin covered in corn juices. My momma would make a version of these fritters and all of a sudden I’d be hungry again.

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foraging, wild plants, recipes, edible flowers Rachel Kulchin foraging, wild plants, recipes, edible flowers Rachel Kulchin

Acacia Flower Fritters Recipe

Spring means acacia trees heavy with their beautiful blossoms. Delicate, beautiful, and the flowers are completely edible. This is a meal where nothing can be done ahead of time. The flowers are best picked right before you plan to fry them and they must be eaten almost immediately after cooking. It is a very fulfilling afternoon activity - to head out to harvest the flowers and head straight back to the kitchen and get frying. Though nothing can be done ahead of time, everything comes together very quickly and you will be eating these finger-licking good treats in no time.

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