baking, bread, fermentation, recipes Rachel Kulchin baking, bread, fermentation, recipes Rachel Kulchin

Sourdough Starter Crackers Recipe

What am I to do with all of the discarded sourdough starter? I know the question has probably run through your mind because as a shepherd to this living creature, it kinda feels awful to simply throw it into the bin (even if it is a compost bin).

This is my go-to. It is super simple, and really only a set of guidelines. Sometimes I roll it super thin, other times I keep it kinda thick. Sometimes I will add some fresh herbs in when I am kneading the dough, or sprinkle the top with some parmesan cheese. No matter what, there is always a sprinkling of some nice quality salt on the top.

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article, bread Rachel Kulchin article, bread Rachel Kulchin

How to Use Your Oven to Bake Your Pizza Properly

I’m not saying this is the only way to cook pizza or even the best, but I do have to say until we build our wood-fired pizza oven in the back, this is my go-to method. The results are incredibly impressive, and the pizza-eating monster in the house says it is the best pizza he has ever tasted.

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bread, grains and starches, recipes Rachel Kulchin bread, grains and starches, recipes Rachel Kulchin

Jalapeno Cheddar Cornbread Recipe

A happy childhood memory of the morning light streaming in through the kitchen window. Woken up by the smell of something delicious baking, I stumbled barefoot and butt-ass naked to the kitchen. My momma handed me a little slice of cornbread hot from the oven with a pat of butter and some honey drizzled on top. Happiness.

This cornbread’s different from that memory but it still makes me happy. It has some kick. Adjust however pleases your palette.

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I am Rachel Kulchin, the passionate force behind the Blue Heron Project! As a dedicated Backyard Farmer, I am on a heartfelt mission to rekindle your connection with the garden.

Firmly rooted in the belief of savoring the flavors of seasonal and sustainable eating, I am dedicated to empowering you with the liberating experience of reclaiming control over your own food.

Join me on this authentic and exciting adventure towards a more connected and sustainable garden-to-table lifestyle.