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Compound Butter Master Recipe
So this is not a recipe. This is an invitation to get creative. I usually have a couple of versions of compound butter in the freezer, and when I need them, they are there, patiently waiting to be used. I just slice off as much as I need and then pop them back in the freezer for another dish another day.
Merguez Sausage Recipe
The best burger I have ever had was from a cute little place called Tabor Tavern in Portland Oregon. 1/3 lb. lamb patty, harissa, balsamic onions, feta, arugula, all on a brioche bun. I just checked the menu, and they are still serving it. I have never been quite able to reproduce that flavor, but it opened my mind to how well-spiced lamb is suited to be used in a burger. This flexible sausage recipe can be pumped into links, flattened into patties, or rolled into meatballs.
Strawberry Sorbet Recipe
Springtime in a bowl. As the temperatures begin to climb, and we begin the transition from spring to summer, I find myself standing in front of the freezer dreaming of a cold bowl of something delicious. This always satisfies.
How to Use Your Oven to Bake Your Pizza Properly
I’m not saying this is the only way to cook pizza or even the best, but I do have to say until we build our wood-fired pizza oven in the back, this is my go-to method. The results are incredibly impressive, and the pizza-eating monster in the house says it is the best pizza he has ever tasted.
Same Day Pizza Dough Recipe
Sometimes I know you just wake up with that craving for homemade pizza, don’t fear, this recipe is for you.
Pavlova with Rhubarb and Cherries Recipe
What is so amazing about pavlova, is that it is a deliciously crunchy, marshmallowy canvas on which you can create any combination of ingredients imaginable. Whatever your garden is providing at that moment, this meringue is ready to showcase.
Acacia Flower Fritters Recipe
Spring means acacia trees heavy with their beautiful blossoms. Delicate, beautiful, and the flowers are completely edible. This is a meal where nothing can be done ahead of time. The flowers are best picked right before you plan to fry them and they must be eaten almost immediately after cooking. It is a very fulfilling afternoon activity - to head out to harvest the flowers and head straight back to the kitchen and get frying. Though nothing can be done ahead of time, everything comes together very quickly and you will be eating these finger-licking good treats in no time.
Sautéed Horseradish Greens and Kale Recipe
This is my go-to if I need to feed myself fast. It can be eaten happily, for any meal, at any time. It goes deliciously on a bed of polenta with an egg on top, a side to a tomato salad with white beans, or with poached salmon and rice, or even hearty steaks.
Horseradish is an intense green, slightly bitter, a bit spicy, and delicious. If I am serving it to a crowd who might not favor the bitterness, I mix it in with other greens to sorta mellow it out - something towards a 25% horseradish, 75% other greens. I love the complexity it adds to this dish.
Chicken Stock Recipe
One of the staple ingredients in my kitchen. I actually found myself out the other day, and with a mean immediate craving for risotto, so I went to the store and bought the best looking brand I could find. It was terrible. This is one thing that is just worth making yourself. I usually make a batch a week and freeze any leftovers in well-labeled quart containers. Read my note at the bottom about the chicken feet… it really makes a difference…